United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps
Band of the West Division
Music Binder
As a member of the BOTW, you will have 2 music binders:
1. General Music Binder: to be used to store music we are working on or have played in the past. Purchase a white 1.5” binder with clear insert on front. Print out your music binder cover here and insert your name and instrument on bottom right corner.
2. Performance Music Binder: This will be used for the music you are playing for a specific performance and will only hold music on that set list. We will issue you this binder and you only need to print out the music binder cover here.
The Music
You should have received an invite to join the BOTW Drop Box. If not, contact our Band Librarian here.
Print out all the music we are currently working on and build from there.
Example: BOTW Current Music > [Name of Piece] -> [instrument]
Based upon your musicality, you will be assigned which part you will play. Ex/ Trumpet 2. Print
your part for your instrument plus one part up or down: 1st sax prints 1 & 2. 2nd sax prints 1 &
2. 3rdSax prints 2 & 3.
Place all sheets of music in clear plastic folders and arrange alphabetically by song title
There is a music set list printed each week on the POD. Take those songs out PRIOR to drill
and place in front of binder. You will be using them.
All BOTW music is stored in the BOTW DROP BOX under “Current Music”
Yes, there is A LOT of music.
Do NOT print out any music in file called ‘Archive’
The 'Gig Bag'
You are being trained as professional musicians and will be traveling to performances where ANYTHING can and WILL happen. Be Prepared. You are required to carry a gig bag with you to rehearsals and performances.
Gig Bag- should be plain black or navy blue, with your name on it
Performance Music Binder
Reeds/Reed Glass
Cork Grease
Tuning–slide oil
Valve oil
Clips/Clothes pins/large rubber band (to secure music during outdoor performance)
Swabs/polishing cloth
Neck strap
Screwdrivers/repair kit
Instrument Stand to safely hold your instrument when you are not playing